In the News
CBS: Mamas Caucus Plans to Make Illinois Most ‘Mama Friendly’ State in the Country
Dana Kozlov, CBS Chicago - April 23, 2021
“It would be the first political caucus of its kind. The Mamas Caucus is what they are calling it. They are 22 women, elected to city, county and statewide office, and they are ready to fight to help moms be moms.”
COLUMN: Mamas Caucus wants to make Illinois most mom-friendly state
Heidi Stevens, Chicago Tribune - April 22, 2021
“The four women have joined forces, along with 18 other bipartisan elected officials — aldermen, county commissioners, state representatives — to form an Illinois Mamas Caucus. Their goal is to turn Illinois into the most mom-friendly state in the nation, through policies that support working families, protect female and maternal health, provide high-quality public education and make it easier for women to run for elected office."
Build it.”